Frothy Monkey

Jesse thinks the name “Frothy Monkey” is dumb.  I never really thought about it much, but it does kind of sound unappetizing.  Despite the name we decided to check it out for the blog last weekend.  We arrived pretty early–around 8:30 on a Saturday morning–and it was already packed.  There were a few people in line ahead of us to order, and the tables were pretty full.


Jesse ordered the “Frothy Monkey” which was a plate of eggs over medium with toast and bacon.  I ordered the “California” which was a plate of eggs over medium with toast, avocado, sprouts and salsa.  Both plates were good, neither was spectacular.  at about $9 each I wasn’t that impressed with our options.  To drink, Jesse got an iced coffee and I got an iced hazelnut white mocha. Our drinks were good.


Overall it was a pretty forgettable meal–good, but nothing amazing.

photo 1

#iced #coffee

photo 2

#eggs #sprouts #calistyle

photo 3

#eggs #toast #jessestyle


Overall grade:2.5/5


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